Here's why I thank God for friends like Chris DeVidal: I routinely receive Biblical exhortations and encouragements like this one . . .
Check out this link
Ephesians 5:25-26
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church
and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her
having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word . . .
Think deeply and at great length about these verses. I encourage you to memorize them.
What a privilege we get, as husbands, to live the parable of the love of Christ for His unworthy bride.
Just think!
We men get to be actors on the great stage of the gospel for the world to see. We can either tell the world how much Jesus loves His bride. Or we can tell them He is waiting for His bride to clean herself and make herself worthy before He will give His love to her.
Tell them He's magnificent.
Tell them He's forgiving.
Tell them He serves.
Tell them He dies.
Tell them.
Editor's Note: I couldn't get Chris to officially join the blog team here because he is already over extended. So, he is unofficially a THEOparadox Advisor. Someday, I'll award him a shirt to prove it.
ReplyDeleteFine stuff from Chris. I hope he gets arms in HIS t-shirt.
ReplyDeleteI should at least add hands to the pictures, if not complete arms, because one often says, "On the other hand . . ." when discussing paradoxes and Biblical balances. It sounds silly for a person with no arms to say that. OTOH, a picture of a person with hands coming out of his shoulders could appear completely bizarre.
We might say that un-balanced theology is akin to having only one arm. It's okay for simple tasks, but what about the heavy stuff? Even with two arms, though, one of them is always stronger. So we need others to help maintain the balance when dealing with REALLY heavy stuff. Things like election, maybe?
Hands, feet, elbows, knees ... all are important. But Christ is the ONE and ONLY Head.
PS - I think I'm a belly button in the Body of Christ. Fairly insignificant, but always drawing attention back to the center, and reminding us of our birth, as helpless, dependent babies who couldn't possibly live apart from the will of another. At least that's what I'd like to be. OTOH, I might be an ear lobe, just flopping around for no apparent purpose - but things look weird when it's not there. Or maybe a little pinky toe, helping to keep the balance. I do know this: whatever I am, I am NOTHING AT ALL (that is, nothing good) apart from Christ.
"I think I'm a belly button in the Body of Christ."
"I am NOTHING AT ALL (that is, nothing good) apart from Christ."
Where'd you get the poster? Hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteThe poster was online somewhere. It's been carefully Photoshopped for my own purposes. I'd like to print one for the wall of my house, I think it would make a statement. And maybe I should print a few extras to use as wedding gifts.