Dedicated to the devotional, exegetical and philosophical study of theological paradox in Conservative, Thoroughly Biblical, Historically Orthodox, Essentially Reformed theology . . . to the glory of God alone!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Meet Dr. Andreas Kostenberger

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of meeting the esteemed Dr. Andreas Kostenberger, professor of New Testament and Director of Ph.D Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (located in Wake Forest, NC). Dr. Kostenberger happened to be visiting my pastor, and the two of them graciously allowed me the opportunity for some theological discourse over a cup of coffee. It was a joy to discuss some of our shared values: inerrancy, orthodoxy, love for family and devotion to Christ. Of course, I had to go to the farthest reaches of my Biblical and theological knowledge in order to engage in a relevant conversation with a scholar of his caliber, but Kostenberger's gracious attitude went a long way toward filling in the knowledge gap. Here is his academic credential: Mag. et Dr. rer. soc. oec., Vienna University of Economics; M.Div., Columbia Biblical University; Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. That's "smart" with a capital S.

Dr. Kostenberger is not a "speculative" theologian with a focus on philosophical systematics. He's a solid textual and exegetical thinking machine with a deep insight into Biblical cultures, history and hermeneutics. In this sense, his works are intended to offer more of a concrete, foundationally grounded exegesis than a philosophical theology. His scholarship "in the trenches" of the text would form the solid base that underlies a "bigger picture" approach, such as that taken by men like J.I. Packer or John Piper. Without excellent, conservative scholarship of this type, there could be no basis for a THEOparadox (other than pure, simplistic Biblicism, I suppose).

Here is a short video of Dr. Kostenberger talking about his new commentary on the Johannine literature. 

Here is Dr. Kostenberger teaching about qualifications for ministry and the importance of family relationships at a conference. It's a great message for anyone considering going into the ministry, or any position of leadership in a local church.

Dr. Kostenberger's website: Biblical Foundations
Dr. Kostenberger's blog:       Biblical Foundations Blog
NOTE: They are currently giving away several copies of the commentary on John, for ministry-minded people who will use the book in ministry.
Dr. Kostenberger's many publications can be found here.


  1. Very cool. Thanks for posting. Now I want to learn more about him.

    I'm amazed at how unpopular inerrancy is. Sometimes you just mention the word and people get all wiggly.

  2. Jeff,

    "Wiggly" is a great word for unbelief. All the most important doctrines are under attack: inerrancy, the sufficiency of Scripture, total depravity, substitutionary atonement, propitiation, divine sovereignty, justification by faith, the essential role of the Church, complementarian gender roles, the very idea of two genders, the absolute nature of Truth . . . you name it. If it's foundational to Christianity, some well-meaning Evangelical (or "Post-Evangelical") is decrying it, calling it "traditionalist" or just "questioning" it.

    In the midst of all that, scholarship like Dr. Kostenberger's is pure gold. The second video really highlights his skill as an exegete and expositor.


  3. Strange thing is, it's the Christians who question these doctrines. I've seen so much of it lately I just want to disconnect.

    Certainly I don't expect everyone to match up with me and there will be differences but when it comes to Scripture, salvation and sovereignty I feel very sad.


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